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Hercules Electric Rotary Round Knife Fabric Cutter (Hercules AS100-K)

Item Number:
Primary Style No:
AS100K 110VOLT
Alternate Styles:
AS100, AS100K 110VOLT
Qty Available: 363 Qty Available: 363


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Hercules Electric Shears function like a pair of hand shears, except they are much faster and have a cleaner cut of single and low lays. Built-in recessed sharpener for instant blade sharpening. Hold sharpener button down momentarily and release. Operation can proceed with little time lost. Shears automatically stop when not held in hand. Motor is double insulated and will not overheat with continuous use. Comes complete with 10 foot power cord and popular 2” six-sided cutting blade. Total weight 1-¾ pounds.


At a Glance:

  • Functions like a pair of hand shears, except they are much faster and have a cleaner cut of single and low lays
  • Built-in recessed sharpener for instant blade sharpening
  • Shears automatically stop when not held in hand
  • Motor is double insulated and will not overheat with continuous use
  • Comes complete with 10 foot power cord and 2-inch six-sided cutting blade
  • The total weight is 1-¾ pounds


2 Inch